Anna was half drunk and in a reflective mood after a quarrel with Billy, her husband. Her expression while she reminiscing about Chul Soo's tirade, in a previous conversation, was one of hurt and pain. Life must be tough for this rich a rich girl. There must be a yet to be revealed side story on how Anna ended up being the bitch she is today.
Anyway, in her anger, she flung her wedding band away. While trying to retrieve it, she falls into the sea and lost her memory. This is poetic justice since she had just pushed Chul Soo overboard earlier. It so happens that Anna was admitted into the hospital where Chul Soo was recuperating from his earlier "accidental" fall off Anna's yacht. Counting his monetary loss due to the atrocities meted by Anna on him, Chul Soo decides to teach Anna a lesson by telling her that she's his live-in girlfriend. He even pointed out her mole on her bust when challenged by the indignant Anna. What Chul Soo wants is for Anna to be a cleaning"ahjumma", or auntie, who will help to look after his nephews and household chores.
Pandemonium erupts when Anna sees the state of Chul Soo's house. It's really hilarious to see Anna getting her just desserts for all the mean stuff she has done so far. But don't bet on that fact that she will humbly obey Chul Soo's wishes. Chul Soo will find out that Anna, with or without her memory, is one tough nut to crack.

Another interesting development is the introduction of a new girl - Oh Yoo Kyung (Park Han Byul). This, extremely, sweet looking girl appears to be Chul Soo's ex-love. Can't tell what part she's playing in the story yet, but I am sure her appearance will add a much needed dimension to the current simple Chul Soo-vs-Anna storyline.
Hey, Teddy and Yupqi, is this show worth my time?
I am quite bored... Looking for more shows to watch.
I am now watching all those shows filmed in 2006. Imagine how bored I am...
Waiting for Hyun Bin's show...
Actually, I would watch anything with Hyun Bin, Kim Jeong Hoon and Chun Jung Myung now.
I have watched a few episodes of The Fantasy Couple. Did not finish the drama, but I guess it's not too bad. I would dare say that Air City is quite a good drama if you like fast paced stories involving airport security. If you are looking for some laughs, I suggest waiting for Hong Gil Dong. :)
Frankly speaking, nothing on the shelves really appeal to me now. Air City comes closest to loosening my purse strings. But yet to spend money on it hehe.
I would also recommend Capital Scandal, an older KBS drama, if only the dvds are released. It is pretty good. :)
As for Hyun Bin, we all have to wait a little longer. Let's hope it's worth the wait. Don't think I can take another Snow Queen-type of drama.
Yeah, I am having the K-drama drought too... Went back to watch those 2006 shows and some of those that I have missed in 2007...
I like Goodbye Solo and Foxy Lady. Of the two, I enjoy Goodbye Solo more because of the suspense.
I guess next will be Hong Gil Dong and Fantasy Couple if I have the time.
After watching Goodbye Solo at rocket speed, I am suffering TV-fatigue. My eyes are so tired... Will need a break of a few days. :P
Hope I can keep the blogging momentum... I am a bit lazy... heehee!
fantasy coupe is a good show
we have subtitle version
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